Category: News

Minimum wage and guaranteed minimum wage from 2023

The mandatory minimum amount of basic pay (minimum wage) changes in an unusual way during the year – from  December 1st, 2023. The minimum wage from the December 1st of 2023 HUF 266 800 for monthly wages Guaranteed minimum wage for an employee in a job requiring at least secondary education or training HUF 326 […]

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New obligation? Setting up an internal whistleblowing system

On 24 July 2023, the so-called Complaints Act came into force, which covers a wide range of employers, so we have gathered the most important questions and details about the so-called whistleblowing system. The new law repealed the ‘old’ law, which was Act CLXV of 2013 on Complaints and Public Interest Disclosures. The new Complaints […]

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Most important mid-year tax changes in Hungary

The Hungarian Gazette of 14 July 2023 contains the provisions of the bill submitted on 6 June, which have now been incorporated into law. In the Act on the Contribution of Airlines and on the Amendment of Certain Tax Laws, we can observe changes affecting almost all tax types, several of which will significantly affect […]

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Happy New Year, happy taxation! Tax changes for 2023

Many of the changes came into force on 1 January 2023, so we had relatively little time to familiarise ourselves with and interpret them. We have compiled the most important details of the changes in this article. For those who would like to look at the amendments in more detail, we recommend that you consult the relevant issue of the Hungarian Gazette, which can be accessed by clicking here. At each point you will find links to our previous articles to ensure that everything you need to know about taxation is in one place.

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Minimum wage and guaranteed minimum wage from 2023

The mandatory minimum wage for full-time employees from January 1st of 2023. The minimum wage from the January 1st of 2023 HUF 232 000 for monthly wages Guaranteed minimum wage for an employee in a job requiring at least secondary education or training HUF 296 400 for monthly wages Beginning from January 1st of 2023. […]

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The end of the world of shell companies?

    On December 22, 2021, the European Commission presented a key initiative against shell companies, which are created for tax avoidance purposes. The Unshell proposal is intended to ensure that legal entities which provide neither a real product nor an actual service to customers in the European Union cannot benefit from tax benefits and […]

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Cash payment limitations

The digitalization, and the financial technologies, – the so-called area of ​​FinTech (Financial Technology) – enable us to make financial matters easier and easier to use in our everyday lives. With this level of digitalization, there is still a need to regulate cash payments for the sake of transparency. In today’s post, we talk about […]

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The tax burdens of the company car

Previously, we reviewed the details of the company car tax rules. We wrote about the tax in a separate post, as the regulation is quite substantial and was amended in July, so it deserved due attention. In the following, we review the rest of the (tax) burdens of buying a company car.   Vehicle tax […]

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The dark side of being classified as a risky taxpayer

The past few days we talked about the taxpayer classification a lot. We had a look on the classification and saw the advantages of being a reliable taxpayer. Today, we continue this theme because where is reliable taxpayer, there is of course risky taxpayer. So, today’s article is about the risky taxpayer. First of all, […]

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The advantages of being classified as a reliable taxpayer

Yesterday, we talked about the taxpayer classification, and we saw the conditions to be a reliable taxpayer. Why is good for us to be a reliable taxpayer? We will have a look on the advantages of being classified as a reliable taxpayer. As we mentioned it previously; the purpose of taxpayer classification is to provide […]

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